huhu...i guess all my friends in the twinning program are stressing out rite now due to the upcoming exam...FINAL babe!!!!! wusshoooo....
didn't think i could make it this far...alhamdulillah... praise to Allah for giving the courage and strength to continue this journey in becoming a doctor...
not much to talk about since my mind was being black-out due to information overload..hahahaha tu la sape sruh study last minute...O_0
so, that's all for now... to all TWP 07 people...all the best in exams.... blasah cukup2... pastu leh cuti kt msia puas2...hehehe
p/s; thanx to FAraHaiN sbb kasi tumpang ngenet kt umah die...hehehe
Global Wealth Managers.
1 week ago