sounds weird??!
firstly, fyi back at my house in Indonesia me and Hanim doesn't own a TV...takkan nak bli kot...the allowance we had is for books and needies like food and etc that if u can't buy it, you will die..hahaha a bit hyperbola..hahaha so, to fill our so called free time, is either we went out to the one and only mall that can be found in Jatinangor or sit back , relax and watch movie by using our lappy... fyi, pirated DVDs in Indonesia are very cheap.. so no wonder most of us has a box full of it... some of you may say, just download it from the internet..well, we can but the connection was never good enough for us to be satisfied every time we were surfing the net...
so, back to my real like im talking about world problem...sorry for the merepekness.... wwweee!!! O_0
everytime i want to take sumthing from the kitchen to nibbles along while watching the movie, of coz i'll pause the movie first then went to grab whtever i want to take at the first place... then back again at my comfy bed, and continue watching..that's mostly my routine...bowink kn??? huhu
so,back at home here in Malaysia, one night, my family and I watch this movie together... at some point i felt so thristy so i decided to drink some water at the grabbed the remote control from my younger know why???? guess la...hahaha
i was searching for the pause button on an ASTRO remote control!!!!!!!!! i was so fustrated when i couldn't find i went," adik,my pause punyer button kt remote nih??!!!" then all my family go, "HUH?!" then only i realized, im watching the movie on the TV and not from my lappy....wooo~ silly me.... @_@
Global Wealth Managers.
1 week ago
Hahaha! Guess what, I was having a bad day last year so I decided to watch something to ease my mind. I grabbed the remote and felt suddenly f***ed up because the tv won't turned on (I grabbed the wrong remote). It was the air-cond's remote actually but I didn't even noticed it until my mom came and give a slight slap on my back. Haha!
hahahaha....sengal...mujur x jam air-cond tue...
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