semalam Dr.Y msuk group tutor 1...gantikan sape ntah..
disebabkan kami dah abis bincang case heart failure and yg tinggal cuma BHP shj..jadi Doc decide utk wat pop quiz!!!!...huhuhuhu alamak kantoi... jd kami yg genius2 itu menjawab la quiz itu dgn penuh keyakinan...mostly about physiology of Heart Failure coz Doc from physio department...berasap kejap kpale xpe la...slh sendiri..sape sruh x study..
doc ade cte pasal kesilapan die time bertugas kt ER of neurosurgeon...
patient's condition: - mild head injury
-high fever
cepat diagnose!!!! kalu ikut symptom of coz kite ingat yg die ade infection kn?? dats wht Dr.Y thought too...die pun admin la ubat yg ade antipyretic, analgesic and all...utk kurangkn fever tue...BUT!!! drug tu ade gak bronchoconstrictor effect...patient itu dah pun ade wheezing...dan akhirnye...patient itu meninggal dunia...after further diagnose..rupe2nye head injury itu tlh merosakkan thermo regulator kt medula oblongata..itu la yg menyebabkan high fever...(ever thought of it ??) patient (wife n 2 kids) dtg ke hosp to thank Dr.Y kerana tlh berusaha sehabis baik utk slmtkan husband die...well..dats wht they thought.. but like Doc said..hanye die yg tahu perkara sebenar... (n of coz la kitorang..sbb Doc dah cte...huhu)
it was so heartbreaking coz the wife oso asked her children to say thank you to Dr.Y..
the moral of the story is...belajar la wahai medical students sekalian... to avoid those kind of mistake...patient's life depends on us...peringatan ini utk sumer kengkawan and of coz myself..Ciao!
Global Wealth Managers.
1 week ago
aku suke dr. Y!
OMG! I'll study harder after this!
fara pom nak suke dr.Y jugak laa
nak setadi rerajin
tapi mata selalu memujuk nak tido awal..
nak jadik narcissist jap.. Yeay, I figure that it must be the head injury. Tapi x pikir lak thermoregulator yang rosak.. So maybe I would do the same mistake. Who knows? Still a lot more years to come.. Nanti dah ada experience, moga2 tak terbunuh orang la plak.. Sedeyh.. What a burden to carry huh, esp when you were thanked for killing their loved ones
wow..interesting story la piper...
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