Thursday, May 21, 2009


some of my TWP's frenzy complained about our 1 month holiday, how bored they are and how dull it was for a medical students,having so many free time make us become quite awkward..(ye ke???wink*) well, unfortunately, i felt the happy to be at home with my juz that i want to go somewhere or anywhere..doing something...not juz 'lazying' around at my house... besides being a COUCH POTATO, hibernating, and etc... FYI, i did the house chores ok??!! juz to clear up ur thought about me as being the ultimate lazybum in the universe....haha but u know mom need to yell at me or start her sarcasm, then only i'll get into action...sowie ye mak...^_^ but when im in the mood to be the 'Maid of The Day', our house will be clean, neat, all folded clothes went into each closets, no dirty dishes in the sink..except for the cooking part... i leave it to mum so that my siblings won't be starving when the get back from schools...
i want to meet my besties..sheila,kay,ili,amer.... miss them so always fun to hang out with them..bcoz it seems that i didn't usually get to hang out with my friends here in Malaysia..mane x nye...sumer jauh2..mostly in N9 of coz.. wht else i want to do?? erm..let see... go to the beach.. basically i want to go for vacation with my family..too bad that school's holiday only start right after i went back to Indonesia...pity me....T_T
but perhaps i shouldn't think so much on things i couldn't do and instead enjoy everything that i could it goes...firstly,fight with my siblings, play with my cats(there are 9 of them.hehe), mkn mskn mak yg of coz the best in MY world..haha gotong-royong bersihkan laman rumah(dis only happen when abah is at home..fuhh..), surfing the net until i don't even know wht else to d/load or anything, watching DVDs that i 'borong' b4 going back to Msia...many other small2 things..i don't want to write it here..u'll get bored...haha dat's all i guess...

p/s: lame sgt cuti, membuatkan otak saye berkarat... woo~


nurul1man said...

I never know you have so many cats! 9 of them?? huhu..tak penat ke layan sekor2? haha..

dYaNa said...

well guess what?? i do have them all.. ramai aku sumer dpt sorang sekor... 3 kecik gle!!!

nurul1man said...

check this site out, kalau belum pernah tgk lagi la..

dYaNa said...

thanx bgtau mira!!! ^_^

chiEchiE said...

otak aku pn mmg da bkarat btol nie..xtau cmne nk kilatkn balik..hahaha

dYaNa said...

x pyh la chie...kite sruh tiaw kilatkan...hahaha

dYaNa said...

x pyh la chie...kite sruh tiaw kilatkan...hahaha

amirahmohammadzaki said...

hey makcik...miss me tau....nk buat cmne õrg fofuler la ktekan....wakakakkakaaa!!!!

dYaNa said...

ye la amer...fofuler la tue...mintak sign satu!!haha

amirahmohammadzaki said...

piper...u'll see lots of me in jan next year k!!!smpi kamu boring....hhhehehhe