phm x tajuk itu??? phm2 je la kan.. i suppose to write this starting from last week...coz it was when it all started..(pergh...bunyi cm severe~!)
every TUESDAY we got the whole day for lectures..continuously from 7am until 3.30pm (it never been full pon actually...we only end up waiting for hours for the lecturers to come)..ade la break kt tgh2 tue utk mkn n solat of coz.. okies..our dearest Dr.D decided to teach PHOP( things abt public health..yada..yada..yada..buerkk!) for 2 hours str8 when it should be for only 1 hour..then Dr.H in for another 1 hour for a conclusion... 1st week is 2 hours for PHOP..the next week, 2 hours for sucks ok!! this is wht i do to avoid the boringness in both of these lectures...
PHOP- ok..Doc dah mp3 dlm bag...sumbat earphone cpt2...sorok bwh tudung...hehe pasang lagu kuat2...bukak notebook..salin starting a new job people!! cartoonist on the go!!!! hehe tgk mulut doc gerak2...kelakar...budget khusyuk dgr die bercerita...haha ampun the end of the lecture, one page of my book filled with lots and pots of sketches...comic strip.. and many more...wink*
CRP- same habit also...but if it the lecture was done in the computer lab...first thing...internet...hehe tp kdg2 doc saje dengki..tutup connection..woo~! xpe...g kt start menu...GAMES...yeay!!! tibe2.. "miss,do you want to study or play games?" Dr.A tegur dr blakang..terkezut makcik...mule la tersipu2...kuang3...okeh..baek bos..saye nak concentrate skarang...picit2 nombor..masuk2 data..enter2... tkn F10 kalu dah siap..ok..relative risk die nie...significant value die nie...%%%%..hapak saye x n huda kecik trying to figure out cmne nak maen minesweeper..hahahaha ampun doc...
end of story...saye bahagie..ahaks~!
Global Wealth Managers.
1 week ago
minesweeper? Aku expert
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