i was feeling down recently...bcoz of the most important things for a student who are under scholarship or foundation or wateva...MONEY!!!!! it is probably not a big deal for some of us since they have additional scholar provided by PA&MA..fhm kan ape??hehehe well not for me tho... ok back to the problem guys...
supposely,every month around 20-22nd of dat month..duit dah msuk... paling lmbt pun 25th la...but dis month...we got it sooooooo LATE!!! why???? well..at first i didn't know what was the causative agent..i was so down bcoz nak bli kasut la...don't have one...all my shoes dah rosak..x byk pun tau..3 pairs only ye(attention 2 sape2 y byk kasut tue,borrow bley??hehehe) end up i had to wear my shoe dat have about 1 n 1/2 inch heel (Ihate heels!!!!!!!!) i prefer wedges tho..ekeke so not comfortable..since during classes u have to move around quite a lot..n moreover, im not so ladylike..lmh lembut n wat so eva not.... so pity me la kan...=(
ok...actually dah byk menyimpang ni...all i have to say is dat we need to be patient...money could be d problem for us which we thought so hard..but think again there are other people who were suffering a lot worse than us...i end up saying to myself...it's ok...sabar la..esok msuk la tue...( I actually smpat berkabung kejap..sdey lorr) Allah nak test je...kuat x thn mslh ni...kejap je..lek2..(bermonolog sndiri ye..)
all of a sudden, my fren dayang came to my haus..i asked her to check my account for me later dis evening....duit dak msuk lorr...alhamdulillah... Im not thinking of going shopping for shoes only ye.. I need dat money to pay d rent of my haus..books, since we've entered the new sems..byk tau..
juz wanna say sowie to anim bcoz during the 'berkabung' period...i was quite fuzzy n irritable...i didn't mean to be like dat..woo~thanx to Farah..coz sudi dgr n tmn I membebel pasal dis prob..hahaha
so....wht happen tomorrow?????
BANDUNG HERE WE COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!