Thursday, December 24, 2009
P/s: not sure whether the title suitable or not for this post.. it just popped out..haha
Thursday, December 3, 2009
caught up in the blizzard of 'boring'ness
every TUESDAY we got the whole day for lectures..continuously from 7am until 3.30pm (it never been full pon actually...we only end up waiting for hours for the lecturers to come)..ade la break kt tgh2 tue utk mkn n solat of coz.. okies..our dearest Dr.D decided to teach PHOP( things abt public health..yada..yada..yada..buerkk!) for 2 hours str8 when it should be for only 1 hour..then Dr.H in for another 1 hour for a conclusion... 1st week is 2 hours for PHOP..the next week, 2 hours for sucks ok!! this is wht i do to avoid the boringness in both of these lectures...
PHOP- ok..Doc dah mp3 dlm bag...sumbat earphone cpt2...sorok bwh tudung...hehe pasang lagu kuat2...bukak notebook..salin starting a new job people!! cartoonist on the go!!!! hehe tgk mulut doc gerak2...kelakar...budget khusyuk dgr die bercerita...haha ampun the end of the lecture, one page of my book filled with lots and pots of sketches...comic strip.. and many more...wink*
CRP- same habit also...but if it the lecture was done in the computer lab...first thing...internet...hehe tp kdg2 doc saje dengki..tutup connection..woo~! xpe...g kt start menu...GAMES...yeay!!! tibe2.. "miss,do you want to study or play games?" Dr.A tegur dr blakang..terkezut makcik...mule la tersipu2...kuang3...okeh..baek bos..saye nak concentrate skarang...picit2 nombor..masuk2 data..enter2... tkn F10 kalu dah siap..ok..relative risk die nie...significant value die nie...%%%%..hapak saye x n huda kecik trying to figure out cmne nak maen minesweeper..hahahaha ampun doc...
end of story...saye bahagie..ahaks~!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
day dreaming ~PART 1~
“Mak,akak gerak dulu tau. Kalau Akanishi call mak cakap ngan die akak jumpe die mlm nanti. X pyh dtg klinik, nanti huru-hara jadinye” dgn sepantas kilat aku grab kot and heels trus msuk kete. FYI, aku dah lmbt utk jumpe ngan interior designer utk ruangan baru di Aroura, klinik khas utk wanita yang telah aku dirikan dgn geng kamceng aku kt medical school dulu. “Ye la…tahu la mak nak goreng ape ngan die nanti” jawab mak sambil geleng kepale tengok aku yang tengah kelam-kabut cari kunci kete dlm handbag.
Akhirnye sampai pun..betulkan tudung sket,touch up make up..finally, I’m so ready for my day!!! Baru je melangkah 2,3 tapak, phone berbunyik plak…nsb baek x melatah dpn pakcik musa…guard yg bertugas kt parking lot klinik sejak dari awal klinik nie bukak. Akanishi, nama yg tertera kt skrin phone aku..mamat nie mmg x phm bahasa melayu btol…ape aku merepek nie..mmg la die x phm… die bleh ckp English je…aku pun angkat la call itu…”hye D,miss u so much!!! “hye Jin, just pretend I believe wht u’ve just said right now.” I giggled…die nie mmg koya btol..” where on earth are you right now? Finish with the tour yet?” aku tanye die.. “don’t say that D. I really,really,really miss you. We haven’t talk to each other for ages.’ “yeah right. And who’s to blame for that? I’m not traveling all over the world every 365 days of my life..” ”you’ are still with your short temper..hahaha the concert has ended and it was a blast!! ”. “ Well, kongrats to you on the success of the concert.” “Thanx D.Alright then… sorry ok? Can we meet up later? I’m here.. I’ve got holiday for a month.” “ok. We can meet up at the cafĂ©. bye for now, I have a busy day ahead” “D wait..!” aku terus stopkan call tue.. tue la susahnye ade bestfren artis…pop idol plak tue…
Aku still ingat the first time aku jumpe ngan akanishi. Aku ngan Faru g holiday kt jepun. Dah lame kitorang idam2kan… akhirnye… right after finish med school ade holiday before houseman start, kitorang pun cabut g jepun..penat kumpul duit tue.. kitorang mmg sekepale bab2 pop idol jepun and
Tibe2 aku terpikir, running away from paparazzi?? Artis ke die nie??? X knal pun..mmg la aku x knal, die cover muke die mask mulut tue..with the hood on…ape daa…..die pun lepaskan tgn die…”if u want to hide here, I’ll juz get out of here then” “NO!!! they’ll see me.just stay not gonna do anything to you so, no need to be afraid..” die pegang tgn aku!!! Hampeh tol…time tue gak sedar yg heels aku tali die dah putus..mst putus time mamt nie langgar aku td…bertambah lg la hampehnye… “ who said im afraid. let go of my hand” “sorry” he said. nsb baek fitting room to besar..die duk kt one side, aku duduk at the opposite.. kitorang terdiam… aku kagum gak ngan mamt nie..bleh thn fluent English die..eventhough ade pelat2 jepun tue.. tibe2 die bersuara, “are you a tourist? “ die pandang aku pelik. Mungkin sbb the fact that aku pakai tudung.. “yes I am” “ im truly sorry for your heels. I ‘ll buy you a new one after the paparazzi has gone” time tue aku still leh dgr org cm terjerit2 panggil name die… ble aku dgr btol2..paparazi tue jerit “Akanishi-san!!Akanishi-san!!!” akanishi??? Kat-tun ke??? Mustahil2….mustahil2….mustahil2… ble aku pusing pandang ke arah mamt td, time2 tue plak die bukak hood and mask die tue…OMG!!!! I m about to faint… Faru, tolong call 991!!!! HE IS AKANISHI JIN!!!!!!!!
ape jdk pas tue??? nanti la...panjang kn..minah nie mmg xde kerje...bukak buku biochem x smpai 5 wat bende alah ni xpe plak smpai berjam2...ish...nshtkn sket ye bdak nie..tempeleng 2-3 kali cukup la.. kalu lbey dpt flying kick,mau??!! haha laterz~
Monday, November 16, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
EPi bdaY!!!!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
why they are so clever???
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
belajar la wey!!!!!
disebabkan kami dah abis bincang case heart failure and yg tinggal cuma BHP shj..jadi Doc decide utk wat pop quiz!!!!...huhuhuhu alamak kantoi... jd kami yg genius2 itu menjawab la quiz itu dgn penuh keyakinan...mostly about physiology of Heart Failure coz Doc from physio department...berasap kejap kpale xpe la...slh sendiri..sape sruh x study..
doc ade cte pasal kesilapan die time bertugas kt ER of neurosurgeon...
patient's condition: - mild head injury
-high fever
cepat diagnose!!!! kalu ikut symptom of coz kite ingat yg die ade infection kn?? dats wht Dr.Y thought too...die pun admin la ubat yg ade antipyretic, analgesic and all...utk kurangkn fever tue...BUT!!! drug tu ade gak bronchoconstrictor effect...patient itu dah pun ade wheezing...dan akhirnye...patient itu meninggal dunia...after further diagnose..rupe2nye head injury itu tlh merosakkan thermo regulator kt medula oblongata..itu la yg menyebabkan high fever...(ever thought of it ??) patient (wife n 2 kids) dtg ke hosp to thank Dr.Y kerana tlh berusaha sehabis baik utk slmtkan husband die...well..dats wht they thought.. but like Doc said..hanye die yg tahu perkara sebenar... (n of coz la kitorang..sbb Doc dah cte...huhu)
it was so heartbreaking coz the wife oso asked her children to say thank you to Dr.Y..
the moral of the story is...belajar la wahai medical students sekalian... to avoid those kind of mistake...patient's life depends on us...peringatan ini utk sumer kengkawan and of coz myself..Ciao!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Stop talking crap la…
I here as a medical student from the TWP ukm-unpad juz wanna say to our dearest lectures, stop talking craps during the academic hours!!!!!! I bet all of my frens oredy become sick upon hearing the same craps coming out from the doctors about Malaysia-Indonesia conflicts….stop it could you..i do hope they’ll read this post… ever since from the beginning, some of them (not all ok..) keep asking us about the behaviour of us Malaysians… how we treat Indonesians that works in our country…how they were treated differently at the airport compare to other foreigners.. and the latest one was about MANOHARA (not sure if I get the name right..huhu)
FYI their doctors, we came to class every morning to receive knowledge from u guys……teach us things that we suppose to learn…talk to us about subject learned during that particular hour..not things that were WAY outside the academic area….we even pay you (dats the most important !!) n starting a session with talking craps, do you ever think how it make us felt??? Im so sorry for writing this…I juz wanted you you guys to be professional..( which is wht u should do from the beginning..) I didn’t mean that you should be so damn serious in each classes because u know how us (TWP 07) behaved…we are playful but when we want to learn, we know our limits…if u want to make a joke, joke about sumthing else…
If u r so busy thinking how your people were being treated in Malaysia, go there…see it for yourself!!!! then only u’ll know the real deal on everythings!!!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
NeW Sem...same Faces...New advenTures....
susahnye la ble kt umah xde internet...woo~ so here I am....3rd year medical Student...ececeh...I know la it's a bit late since we oredy started for 2 weeks now...dah msuk CVS nie...somehow, so far everything's fine la...blomlg smpai mase dmana rmbut2 di kpale ni rase cm nak tercabut sbb tension...hahaha (i hope not!!!)
new members in my tutorial group.... LUTFI,NADDU,LOKMAN,HUDA,NANA,FUN,FAIN AND ME!!!!! enjoy having discussion with them so fr.. sumer nye sengal2....and the most 'sengalest' of them all is the trio...teka2 la sape ye...x pun sedar la diri sndirik tue..hahahaha so people,hoping that we can help each other thru out dis sem...yoroshikun onegaishimasu!!!!
oredy planning nak g jalan mane la plak kali nie...(pergh...bkn nak rncang for study...ish3..) smalam siap wat list lagi...dah la mostly tmpt mkn plak tue...kuang3 idop utk mkn ke mkn utk idop??!!! lu pikir la sndirik yek....wee....
dats all for now i guess....x mmpu nak berfikir...CC nie is so damn hot...wooo~
Thursday, May 21, 2009
i want to meet my besties..sheila,kay,ili,amer.... miss them so always fun to hang out with them..bcoz it seems that i didn't usually get to hang out with my friends here in Malaysia..mane x nye...sumer jauh2..mostly in N9 of coz.. wht else i want to do?? erm..let see... go to the beach.. basically i want to go for vacation with my family..too bad that school's holiday only start right after i went back to Indonesia...pity me....T_T
but perhaps i shouldn't think so much on things i couldn't do and instead enjoy everything that i could it goes...firstly,fight with my siblings, play with my cats(there are 9 of them.hehe), mkn mskn mak yg of coz the best in MY world..haha gotong-royong bersihkan laman rumah(dis only happen when abah is at home..fuhh..), surfing the net until i don't even know wht else to d/load or anything, watching DVDs that i 'borong' b4 going back to Msia...many other small2 things..i don't want to write it here..u'll get bored...haha dat's all i guess...
p/s: lame sgt cuti, membuatkan otak saye berkarat... woo~
Friday, May 15, 2009
a story to tell...
Maryam, guru kelas Tadika menganjurkan satu permainan yang sungguh menarik untuk murid-muridnya. Setiap murid diminta membawa beg plastik yang berisi pisang yang tertulis nama orang yang paling mereka benci ke kelas pada esok hari. Jadi, jumlah pisang yang perlu dibawa bergantung kepada jumlah orang yang dibenci.
Keesokan harinya, setiap murid membawa beg plastic berisi pisang masing-masing.
"Sekarang simpan pisang tu. Jangan lupa bawa ke mana sahaja kamu pergi selama seminggu. Inilah permainannya. Selepas seminggu, kita akan tahu keputusannya" beritahu Cikgu Maryam. Kanak-kanak tersebut menyimpan pisang masing-masing di dalam beg.
Hari demi hari berlalu, pisang tersebut mula berbintik-bintik dan akhirnya menjadi busuk . Kanak-kanak itu mula merungut dan marah. Mereka tidak menyukai permainan itu lagi kerana selain beg berat, badan berbau busuk.
Seminggu berlalu, pagi-pagi lagi murid-murid Maryam sudah bersorak. Permainan sudah tamat. Tidak ada lagi beban dan bau busuk yang perlu dibawa.
"Okey semua, apa rasanya bawa pisang dalam beg ke
"Itulah sebenarnya yang berlaku kalau kita simpan perasaan benci pada orang lain dalam hati. Bau busuk kebencian itu akan mencemari hati dan kita akan membawanya ke mana saja kita pergi. Jika kamu sendiri tidak boleh tahan dengan bau pisang busuk hanya untuk seminggu,
Maryam mengingatkan anak muridnya supaya membuang jauh-jauh perasaan benci daripada membebani hidup. Kemaafan adalah yang terbaik. Menyayangi lebih baik darpada membenci. Moralnya, jangan letak pisang dalam beg. Jangan simpan kebencian, dendam kesumat dan apa-apa yang mazmumah dalam hati. Macam pisang yg makin membusuk, begitu juga hati.
p/s: found dis story from
cm best...buat peringatan untuk diri sendiri...^_^
Thursday, May 14, 2009
stupid template!!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
adik,mane pause button kt remote ni??? huhu
firstly, fyi back at my house in Indonesia me and Hanim doesn't own a TV...takkan nak bli kot...the allowance we had is for books and needies like food and etc that if u can't buy it, you will die..hahaha a bit hyperbola..hahaha so, to fill our so called free time, is either we went out to the one and only mall that can be found in Jatinangor or sit back , relax and watch movie by using our lappy... fyi, pirated DVDs in Indonesia are very cheap.. so no wonder most of us has a box full of it... some of you may say, just download it from the internet..well, we can but the connection was never good enough for us to be satisfied every time we were surfing the net...
so, back to my real like im talking about world problem...sorry for the merepekness.... wwweee!!! O_0
everytime i want to take sumthing from the kitchen to nibbles along while watching the movie, of coz i'll pause the movie first then went to grab whtever i want to take at the first place... then back again at my comfy bed, and continue watching..that's mostly my routine...bowink kn??? huhu
so,back at home here in Malaysia, one night, my family and I watch this movie together... at some point i felt so thristy so i decided to drink some water at the grabbed the remote control from my younger know why???? guess la...hahaha
i was searching for the pause button on an ASTRO remote control!!!!!!!!! i was so fustrated when i couldn't find i went," adik,my pause punyer button kt remote nih??!!!" then all my family go, "HUH?!" then only i realized, im watching the movie on the TV and not from my lappy....wooo~ silly me.... @_@
Thursday, April 30, 2009
finally meeting my family..
wht an ease of mind after struggling for the final exam...fuuhh..
im going to have lots and pots of fun during this holiday coz i deserved it...( cheh..mcm la study kuat sgt..kuang3)
alhamdulillah for my result..but i know i can improve more..
welcoming myself to the 3rd year program...
CARDIO system is waiting for me...woo~
Monday, April 20, 2009
luahan perasan ku~’s april oredy…times do fly fast huh??? Well…I juz finish my final exams…but one last thing though…remed OSCE…fuhh…in this juz wanna tell u wht I felt for this recent exam…for the MDE HIS and COmPRE of HIS and DMS…I didn’t try to say it was easy but most of it came from the past years question…so I can say that I did answers all the question happily…though some parts I did some stupid voodoo practice to choose the answer…hahahahaha and that is of coz CRP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t know when exactly im gonna plant this ‘ilmu’ at any side of my brilliant brain…. For SOCA….gladly saying tha I got a B++…case was about atopic dermatitis..this the hard part..we never thought we got this case because we really didn’t have the case during the study period… so, bonus point towards those who really mastered the basic science in the case which are immune system especially humoral immunity… hypersensitivity….allergy…. atopic… and of coz skin… and minus point to those who don’t!! like me!!!!!!!! Hehehehe my fault is that I didn’t really mastered those immune regulation…interleukin…whtsoever not….huhuhu during my presentation….i finished 5 mins earlier…so the examiners have time to asked me lots and pots of question based on the case…unfortunately as I said before I didn’t really mastered immune system so most of it I answered wrongly…shamed on me… so instead of getting an A..because of the 5 mins pop quiz, I got a B…. but I didn’t felt angry at all towards the examiners because form the root itself you can see that is was my own fault…. Next came OSCE… it suck to be the first group to go…with SOCA dat juz finish the day before…honestly I didn’t studied well… of coz la…get back form SOCA, I slept the whole evening… at night, I tried my best to stuff all the skills up to my excellent brain….hahahaha my fisrt station was PE of malignancy…specifically hepatosplenomegaly exam…with the great Dr. Lelani (im not sure if I get her name correctly or not…xp) got scolded by her coz I didn’t followed the flow from the book… well…I juz did wht I practiced during the class plus nervousness… I messed up…but then she told me wht I did wrongly and asked me to re do it…in the correct ways.. I was like, there goes my first station… I was so sure that Im gonna failed… of coz I redo it correctly afterward but then you’ll never know…. Starting from that all the other stations sucks oso… furthermore, HAdi got messed up and he went into my station instead of his own… I didn’t get mad at him becoz according to arrangement of the stations, who wouldn’t get messed up… the adrenaline rush could coz you to be blind for a while…hahaha so, end up, both of us finish late compared to the others… right after the exams..i went out feeling so terrible… never in my life I felt at such after an exam… I saw farah cried and it coz me to shed my tears oso…we went out and cried together… at that time time, I really thought im gonna failed 12 from 15 station… and the station that I felt confident of passing it with flying colors are PE spine, dermato exam and lastly the rest station which I got 3 instead of one…hahahaha the admin told us that the result will be out at 4 pm that same evening,,,so, we went back home first… juz got my pendrive back from noi.. wht do you expect from it???? Of coz la it is all about KAT-TUN!!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha I spend the afternoon watching it all…which put me in a quite happy mood…laughing and all… at 3 pm… farah,syudud and me went to FK to see the result..anim stayed there coz she was In the 2nd group and juz finished… we were so nervous… I was ready to see so many black boxes in my results…. But it come to my shock that instead of 12, I only failed for 3 station which are suturing due to unsterile procedure (lipat lengan baju and don’t touch the sterile drap), debridement due to me being stupid enough to misinterpret the Qs for wound toilet and lastly PE for paedetric allergy due to blankness coz I went into this station after all the confusion that occur due to wrong station accident… so, tomorrow I will have practice on the station that I failed and the day after I will have the remedial exam… all the best for me…. U can do it girl…. One last shot to welcome the 3rd year…. ^_^
Sunday, March 22, 2009
exam mode~
didn't think i could make it this far...alhamdulillah... praise to Allah for giving the courage and strength to continue this journey in becoming a doctor...
not much to talk about since my mind was being black-out due to information overload..hahahaha tu la sape sruh study last minute...O_0
so, that's all for now... to all TWP 07 people...all the best in exams.... blasah cukup2... pastu leh cuti kt msia puas2...hehehe
p/s; thanx to FAraHaiN sbb kasi tumpang ngenet kt umah die...hehehe
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Try it!!!
i got dis from my fren's blog...a personality test...give it a try... view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.Sunday, March 8, 2009
In a good way…by wanting more..for example… not satisfied with our exam result…we tend to work hard to achieve it..we can see dat it can be a good motivation… it could for our own satisfaction… we challenge ourselves knowing dat we can do better.. unfortunately dis doesn’t quite occur on me… academically, im lack of motivation..huhu im easily distracted and get bored real quick…dat’s my prob…
But then in bad way.. craving for more possession or etc…we tend to be ‘tamak’… dis kind of behaviour or ketamakkan never really reach its limit…there’s always more..and at some point, some people may use or chose the wrong path and make the wrong decision juz to achieve wht ever that they want…
And as for me… I realize that I keep regretting not having wht I wanted when someone else have it easily.. Easiest example is dat..i’m aiming on buying dis Hp (still in the step of mengumpul duit la…).. but then some1 said that he/she wanted to buy that particular Hp oso… when he/she know dat I want it too…and he/she doesn’t have to collect money first like I do coz they come from a rich family…im not saying dat my dad’s work as an army officer don’t pay enough.. but then to buy such thing which is not a needy…is not on the list dear~ other situation is…I used to say” bestnye kan kalau ade kete sendiri…x pyh susah2 redah hujan…nak g jalan2 mane2 pun senang…” byk lagi contoh laen sebenarnye.. I did as such unfortunately a lot huh?? Teruknye saye…..someone once said to me dat the ‘ IF ’ word is the word of the devil… I always heard people quoting that we shouldn’t regret or cry for things dat we couldn’t have..instead we have to cherish all the things dat we do have.. and now im going to do the same…
1) car… why couldn’t I have a car of my own now???
-Of coz la..keje pun blom…. Lagipun bdn tu dah mcm tong drum… kalu jln kaki kan leh exercise… ble lagi dpt chance cmtue…huhu
2) Hp…Hp aku la yg paling cikai sekali compare ngan org laen…
-xpe la cikai pun…kalu canggih2 sgt pun kamu bukan reti gune pun… Hp yg ade ni pun sebenarnye lebih dr cukup… walaupun xde gigi biru…haha dpt call family and contact ngan kwn2 di seluruh pelusuk dunia kn dah cukup…
3) Boipren??? I want one but then I also don’t want one…haha
- rimas la kalu asyik berkepit jerk… i know dat there is someone out there for me… Allah always fair… He might not make me involve in any r/ship now coz He know dat it will only disrupt my concentration on my study…. Alhamdulillah… lagipun kan best dpt kawan ngan sumer org without worrying that ur partner will get jealous…hehe
4) Bdn saye gemuk…kn best kalau ade body cm model..kecik jerk..snang nak cari baju…
-xpe la besar sket pun..asalkan sihat.. daripada kurus tp dok kuar masuk clinic… furthermore, kalu bdn saye kurus @ kecik and senang cr baju…tak ke akan ade high possibility dat saye akan ke bandung once a month to go shopping…hahaha I can put the money into more useful ways lorr… sedekah, bli buku which is the main priority and sumbat perut ngan mknn yg berkhasiat…seperti Pizza??!!! Hahaha juz joking..xp
~so people…. Be thankful with wht u have… because it might be wht u need after all… coz the things u want might be an endless affection and if u so into it u might end up getting urself hurt…
LUV UR LIFE!!!!!!!!
Monday, February 23, 2009
- ape name penuh kamu ?
2.ape maksud name kamu ?
- ·nur=cahaya, diyana= keagamaan
3 3.ape name glamer yg kawan kamu pggil kamu ?
- ·skula rendah= diyana....2 je yg snang...panggil nana kang sy xmo pandang...haha
- ·skula menengah=piper..nickname yg senior bagi...from cte charmed...lekat dowh smpai skang...hehe
- ·matrix = diyana pun ade..piper pun x ksh...
4.kamu sekolah rendah di mane ?
- ·Sekolah Kebangsaan Desa Bakti(1995-1997)..(g skolah naek truck askar..hehe)
- Sekolah Kebangsaan Panglima Adnan(1998-2000)..yg ni dekat gle ngan umah...jln kaki 5 minit..luv dis skool and all my frens here..
55.ape name kawan baik kamu di sekolah rendah n menengah ?
·sekolah menengah: amer, ili,sheila, ain, ekin, yath, kay, tati....ramai lagi...coz i luv them all..weee!!!!
sekolah rendah:liyana(nie kembar saya ye...), fazrul,najib,maryam,wani...sheila,ili,tati,syamila,shida,izzah,intan...ala..ramai sgt...x larat nak taip..miss u guys so much!!!!!!!!!!!!
66.kamu sekolah menengah di mane ?
- ·Sekolah menengah sains tuanku ja'afar,Kuala Pilah,N9..kt dpn skolah ade kandang lembu...penyambut tetamu x bergaji..hehe
77.pengalaman kamu yg paling kamu ingat mase sekolah rendah ?
- ·kena cubit kt perut sebab bergaduh dlm kelas...hehehe cubit yg cm pulas tu tau..aka kene piut..cakit(T_T)
8 8.perkara memalukan yg kamu alami semasa sekolah rendah
- ·same seperti di atas.
- ·time tue darjah 3..saye dilantik menjadi penolong pengawas sesi petang...cikgu umum time meeting prefect satu prefect dr darjah 2-6 sumer ade...saye sgt nervous and end up tersasul byk gle... malu!!!!!
99.tempat faverit kamu di sekolah ?
- ·semua area kt dlm SKPA...coz each site have its own memory..
- ·kt sekolah menegah plak..Hostel....lots and pots of crazy stuffs happens here...dewan makan, sebab jasa makcik DM tu la aku leh idop selama 5 thn di STJ tercinta..
110.cikgu yang paling kamu ingat mase sekolah rendah, dan kenapa ?
- ·cikgu Saadiah...sbb die yg piut saye..huhu tp die sgt la baek sebenarnye...
- Puan Salina...cikgu sains, netball and cikgu gle...
- saye x ingat name cikgu ni ajar math..n die org Sikh..die suke tulis CUAI!!!!!!!!!!! kalu slh wat keje...
111.mata pelajaran feverit ?
- ·English
1 12.mata pelajaran yg dibenci ?
- ·matematik(memang xleh go la..) n kajian tempatan(cikgu ensem la tp..hehe)
1 13.sukan yang pernah kamu ceburi mase sekolah ?
- ·netball
- ·lumba lari
- taekwondo
114.kalau di beri peluang, kamu ingin kembali ke tahun persekolahan yg mane ?
- ·form 1-5 kot... from here i learned to live my own life...
dis tag is now pass down to:
1) adie
3)cik rye
5)wan..if u read my blog..
Friday, February 20, 2009
SaYE YanG NAkaL ('',)
Hye…I have a confession…juz wanna say sorry to my friends…one is PO-G, my group member and CHIECHIE.. last Monday, we had a laboratory activity where we were using frog as the specimen… we want to check the effect of adrenaline towards blood vessels by checking it from the frog's tongue…but first we need to paralyzed the frog by drilling a hole in its head using a screwdriver-like thingy, then push it towards the vetebrae...i felt sorry for the frog actually...nape la x pengsankn je...coz we did that, the frog will end up dead oso...sorry to Mr.Froggy...for your info, we need the frog to be alive for the test..Proudly saying, for my group, i'm the one who did tell you the truth, i was so damn scared..not the drilling part but i'm afraid that the frog will jump at me when i try to take it out from the jar...huhu i did itsuccessfully though w/out blood splattered onto my lab coat..woosshh..wht a relieved...
the main point is...both of my friends above were afraid of frog..huhu I decided to play around…just to tease PO-G.. hehehe but accidentally I made CHIECHIE afraid too… I noticed that I probably when overboard cause she was crying..i felt so horrible…dats me not knowing when to stop fooling around... addition, i had also put the frog into PO-G's bag afterwards but BTEE took it out coz xnak bersubahat...BRAVO TO BTEE!!! but I already apologized to both of them…. But then I need to take precaution so that it won’t happen again… I know that I shouldn’t be fooling around too much…woo~ sorry again guys!!!
p/s: actually it was so fun seeing PO-G running around the lab.. trying to avoid me and the frog…hahaha he is a big guy..chubby actually…so it was cute!!!! ^_^ jgn perasan ye po-g...
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
~I have been tagged by my dearest crazy fren here it goes...woosshh...
Tag 1..1.7 ciri lelaki idaman saya
- kind
- more sensible than me...coz i want him to lead me to the right way..
- handsome??? not sure...coz when u are in love...u won't even notice if he has a big mole on his cheek...hahahaha juz joking=p
- a whole ok??
- a person wbo i can talk to
- luv me for who i am is the most important i think...
2.7 lelaki yang pernah saya minati [cinta?]
~to be honest with u..panjang list nie..haha this question is more towards one-sided love huh?? i list down the most memorable ones je la ye...
> time kt skolah coz ade yg knal..his cute,kind,funny...and he gave me a bracelet tau..time tue br darjah 5..hehe cinta berbalas ok??! die yg approach dulu..wink*
>time skolah menengah plak..he is a year older je...macho gle seriously!!!hahaha i admire him for a quite long time i think...but no progression ye...wooo~
>still time skolah menengah...i called him my closet poet..hehehe dunno much about him actually...never had a real conversation with him at skool dulu...huhu
>at matrix plak...i like this guy...not like fall in love or sumthing like dat.. it juz i like to tease him coz he is the quietest of the bunch of boys...hahaha
3.7 perasaan sekiranya keluar dengan orang yang diminati [cinta?]
>probably blush during every seconds of the date...hahaha
>complete silence or shall i say loss of words..
>not being cute at all...i juz sucks at dat!!!
>i wish the world stop spinning...hehehe
4.7 tempat istimewa yang ingin dilawati bersama orang yang tersayang
5.7 barangan/sesuatu istimewa yang mungkin dihadiahkan buat orang tersayang
> ermmm....susahnye...a watch maybe..
6.7 Lagu yang anda nyanyikan untuk orang tersayang
>love song la of coz...hehehe can't think of one la rite now...
7.7 thing about the person that TAG u..
>a friend, whom i enjoy and appreciate her company...luv u gurl!!! ^_^
Tag 2, same rules like above ..
1. Take a recent CUTE photo of yourself.2. Don’t change anything, edit or whatever.3. Post that photo.4. Post this instructions with the photo.5. Tag 7 people to do this.
to these lucky people...this tag is calling u out loud!!! haha
3)Mira Noor..if u read my blog of coz..
5)Cik Rye..
7)sape yg rase nak wat silakan....('',)
p/s: for boys..tukar la soklan tue ye...kang pelik plak jadinye...